The Digital Certificate calls are deprecated. You need to use calls available at SSL Certificates for new orders
Renews an existing Digital Certificate Order.
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key or auth-password | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
order-id | Integer | Required | The Order Id of the Digital Certificate you want to renew. |
years | Integer | Required | The number of years for which the certificate is to be renewed. |
additional-licenses | Integer | Required | The number of Additional Licenses you want to add for this order. |
exp-date | Integer | Required | Current Expiry Date of the Order in epoch time format. |
invoice-option | String | Required | This will decide how the Customer Invoice will be handled. Set any of below mentioned Invoice Options for your Customer:
attr-name | Map[name] | Required | Mapping key of the renew details. Refer the description of attr-value.
Following is the list of the expected Atrribute Names:
attr-value | Map[value] | Required |
Mapping value of of the renew details. This together with attr-name shall contain of the renew details. For example: |
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request organisation Name&attr-name2=org_street1&attr-value2=Organization address
Returns a map of the result of the Renew operation.